Orders from €55 within the Netherlands are shipped free of charge.
Are you placing an order below this amount? Then €5.95 shipping costs will be charged.

The following rates apply for shipping outside of the Netherlands:

Belgium & Germany: €8.95 (free from €150)
Other EU countries: €14.95
United Kingdom: €19.95
The rest of the world: €39.95

For customers outside the European Union: Please note that additional customs taxes and duties are not included.


After completing your order, we will ensure that it is packed as quickly as possible. Depending on the stock of the product, PostNL will deliver the package within 1 to 2 working days within the Netherlands and Belgium. There are no deliveries on Sundays and public holidays. You can have your order delivered to your home or pick it up in one of our stores. You have the option to indicate this choice during the ordering process.

Shipments outside the Netherlands and Belgium have the following estimated delivery times:

Germany - 1 to 3 business days
Other EU countries - 2 to 7 working days
United Kingdom - 2 to 7 working days
The rest of the world - 3 to 20 business days


Please note that we do not cover import or customs fees for deliveries outside the European Union. We are also not responsible for lost, damaged or incorrectly delivered orders. We only act as an intermediary between our customers and the postal companies.


During busy sale and/or holiday periods, packages may be delayed by ±3 working days. We always try to send packages the same day!


After the order has been completed, you will receive an email with an order overview and the order number. From that moment on, we will process the order. Please note that in some cases we need 1 to 2 working days to hand over the orders to the postal company.


After the order has been handed over to the postal company, an email will be sent with a unique Track & Trace code. For orders outside the Netherlands that are shipped with the standard shipping solution, a limited tracking service may be available, please keep this in mind.

For further questions about our shipping services, we can be reached by email at or by telephone at +31(0)10-4100477.